2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, reaction products with Me Et ketone and methanol, by-products from, distn. residues
2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, reaction products with Me Et ketone and methanol, by-products from, distn. residues(2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, reaction products with Me Et ketone and methanol, by-products from, distn. residues)
2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, reaction products with Me Et ketone and methanol, by-products from, distn. residues - 简介
2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, reaction products with Me Et ketone and methanol, by-products from, distn. residues是一种化学物质。下面分别介绍它的性质、用途、制法和安全信息:
2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, reaction products with Me Et ketone and methanol, by-products from, distn. residues是一种液体。它的化学结构中含有较长的碳链和对应的双键,同时还含有甲基和乙基的取代基。
2,6-Octadienal, 3,7-dimethyl-, reaction products with Me Et ketone and methanol, by-products from, distn. residues是从蒸馏残渣中产生的副产物。具体的制造过程需要根据具体情况来确定,可能涉及反应、萃取和分离等步骤。